A Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the final decision maker of an enterprise and is\nthe central figure influencing the culture of that enterprise. A CEO has a personal\nbrand, which in collusion with a corporation�s business brand casts a halo effect\nupon clients, customers, and employees, both present and potential. To date, most of\nthe research on personal brands has been restricted to discussions over methods of\nbuilding up personal brands: there has been no definitive research towards the construction\nof an evaluative scale of business CEO personal brands. Our current research\nhas developed just such a scale, using seven evaluative dimensions to measure\nthe work standards, competency, charisma, personality, values, character, and leadership\nqualities of a CEO. This unique scale enables users to clearly distinguish the\npersonal brand of a business CEO. Researchers such as Bennis and O�Toole (2000)\nhave suggested that boards of directors need to find more effective means of selecting\ntheir CEOs [1]. We believe that our scale can and should assist boards of directors\nfaced with the question of whether a CEO�s personal brand meets the expectations of\ntheir enterprise.